Amethyst, an Alvis recovery program, reinstated their popular weekly Community Day on Friday, February 14th, their first in the new treatment center on Innis Rd. Community Day’s purpose is to build camaraderie, share important information and learn new things in a fun, creative environment with all of the Amethyst women present. The women entered into the gathering space to the sound of popular music that immediately prompted breakout dancing.
Two women from OP (Outpatient) lead the first hour and a half. The leaders started with “lifting up” residents and staff members suggested by ladies in the room. Staff members who made a special impact on a client or gone above and beyond their normal duties that week received a shout out. Clients who achieved a goal they had been trying to reach were also recognized. This was followed by introducing new ladies who have joined the program and sharing resources with another. A comic “Miss Manners” provided levity while engaging in issues from mutual respect to house cleaning ideas.
The remaining hour and a half of the program is dedicated to expressive art, self-care, relevant speakers, celebrating important annual months dedicated to topics such as black history, women’s history, and recovery. All of these activities are planned to enrich the Amethyst women’s understanding and appreciation of the broader world around them and how they can productively participate in it.
The first Expressive Art Project focused on teamwork, involvement, sharing ideas and focusing on the “Amethyst Woman.” Each team of 5 women traced the body of one of their teammates on a life-size piece of paper and painted it according to their vision of what an Amethyst woman represents, including her diversity, accomplishments and, of course, her sense of humor. The team captains helped ensure that each team member had a role in creating the finished images which were then hung up in the large multi-purpose room for all to enjoy.