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Safety Matters

June 1, 2020

June is National Safety Month, where safety is promoted in the workplace. The most common workplace injuries include overexertion, slips, trips, and falls, and dangerous contact with equipment. Here are some tips and tricks to prevent injury in the workplace:

  1. Keep work spaces and walkways free of boxes and cords. Any tripping hazards that could cause yourself or others to trip, tape down or move to another area.
  2. Stretch - Take stretch breaks to minimize tension and get blood flowing. Sitting too long and too often can cause back pain, reduce blood flow, and increase the risk of obesity.
  3. Close desk drawers and cabinets when not in use to avoid injuring body parts by an unexpected run-in.
  4. Be aware - Pay attention to your surroundings. Watch out for falling objects, misplaced work tools, environmental hazards, and more.
  5. Shake things up - If your schedule is too tiring, see if your supervisor can change it. Disrupting your sleep patterns on a regular basis can throw your health out of whack.

Another aspect of National Safety Month is the importance of mental health and how it can impact our performance in the workplace. Sometimes it can be difficult to discuss with fellow co-workers or advisors on this topic. A safe space could be used in this case to discuss concerns about the workplace or to provide support for other struggling co-workers. According to Merriam-Webster, a safe space is a place (like on a college campus for example) intended to be free of bias, conflict, criticism, potentially threatening actions, ideas, or conversations. This place could involve any group of people: people of color, co-workers, women, for example. The purpose of a safe space is to allow the people involved to be free of judgement and have access to a support system. People can speak their minds and allow their thoughts to have a space to exist or just to simply be out of their head. These types of spaces birth solutions that help their environments and improve overall well being in the workplace. Don’t be afraid to reach out to people for help or start your own safe space.

At Alvis, there are programs that have access to safe spaces with various groups or one-on-one sessions. Amethyst is a recovery program for women and their families dealing with substance abuse. The program has self help/peer support groups, trauma counseling, and many more areas where safe spaces are being utilized.

Alvis is a nonprofit human services agency with over 50 years of experience. We believe in the power of second chances and coming together as one community to affect change. With our reentry, behavioral health, developmental disabilities, workforce development, family and children services, and the community, we can make a lasting 180 impact. Learn more about Alvis and how you can get involved at

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